地产公司内部培训通知 09/20/2018
各位亲爱的Agent ,大家好!最新一期培训马上开始啦!
1.How to apply Niche loan programs to support your customers in the competitive market ? Mobile Home Loan, Hard Money Loan, Regular Convention loan…
2. Open Questions.
主讲: Megan Miller From Goodview
时间:11:00-12:30 pm 9/20/18
1.How to build an ADU? (Accessory Dwelling Unit)
2. How to apply and get the ADU permit?
主讲: Daniel Wang From Arch & Lan Development Inc
时间:1:00-2:30 pm 9/20/18
地点: Santa Clara 公司大会议室。请大家提前安排好时间,公司为大家准备了中午简餐。